1. Who Are You?
2. I bought the CD Set how do I get started?
3. Are the books on the CDs legal?
4. Are the books text files or pfd and once I buy the books will I need to connect to the internet?
5. Are the books in English?
6. Which books are in PDF format?
7. I am a teacher is there a Teacher's Discount?
8. Which books have both the original Latin or Greek and the English translation?
9. How do I cite from these books?
10. Do you offer Large Order Discounts or Any Discounts?
11. I notice that some of the books are on your web page in their entirety. Why should I buy the CD Set?
12. Is it possible to do a word search on a pfd file?
13. How do I get the text from the 5000 classics into my Rocket eBook (REB1100)?
How To Copy The Contents of All 3CDs to Your Harddrive So That You Can Browse All The Texts Without Changing CDs.
1. Who Are You?
are a small firm founded in 2002 that specializes in making CD
Curricula from Public domain books. We are incorporated in Miami,
Florida but work out of both Florida and California. There are
basically two of us Ray (my brother) and Me (Jorge/the president of the
You can reach us at
mail@brainfly.net or by regular mail at:
c/o Jorge Llaurado
5100 Garfield Ave. #46
Sacramento CA 95841-3839
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2. I bought the CD Set how do I get started?
If file "start.htm" does not open on it's own
when you insert the CD then open the file "start.htm" with your
internet browser.
For more technical help
click here
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3. Are the books on the CDs legal?
Yes, the books on the CDs are in the Public Domain. This means that their copyright has expired.
All of the texts on our
Primary Literary Sources for Ancient History" CD set are now in the Public
Domain including the
29 Loeb Classics which contain both the original
Latin or Greek and the English translation. We have verified to the best
of our ability that these texts are in the public domain here in the
U.S. We have checked every text to make sure that they were written
before 1923 and for those written after 1923 we paid for the US
copyright office to make the search to make sure that they are no longer
under Copyright.
All the texts in the "
5000 Classics" CD set are from the Gutenberg
Project and they are in the public domain(except for those which are
clearly marked as copyrighted). To the best of our knowledge all the
works are in the Public domain and you can copy any part and length of
the texts and use it in your classes.
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4. Are the books text files or pfd and once I buy the books will I need to connect to the internet?
The CDs contain both Html and PDF texts and
are completely self contained. The CD's contain the complete texts of
all the books. You will not need to connect to the Internet for
any of the books.
texts are searchable. Using the browsers find function and on the our
web page you can search all the HTMLs using the Google Box at the top
of the web page.
PDFs are a complete scan of the books including
table of contents,
indexes and
original pagination. They are however not searchable. You will have to use the indexes and table of contents
You can go to our web page
(www.brainfly.net/start.htm) and see exactly which books are in html,
and which are in PDF. The web page uses the same navigation
interface as the CDs except that the cds contain the complete texts and
the webpage only short samples.
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5. Are the books in English?
All the books are in English (English
translations from the original languages) The Loeb Classics also
include the original Latin or Greek as well.
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6. Which books are in PDF format?
Full Texts of the Following Authors are in non-searchable PDF format
but include the original Table of Contents and Index with original
pagination :
Aulus Gellius
Cato the Elder
Dio Cassius
Dionysius of Halicarnasus
Julian the Apostate
Quintus Curtius
The Following Books are in non-searchable PDF format but include the original Table of Contents and Index with original pagination:
Guides to the Egyptian and Babylonian Rooms of The British Museum (Circa 1910)
A Source-Book of Ancient History (1922)
A History of the Ancient World (1913)
A History of Greece (1900)
A History of Rome (1921)
Ancient Records of Egypt (1906)
Records of the Past: Series 1 and 2 (1875-1899) (in 12 Volumes)
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I am a teacher is there a Teacher's Discount?
Yes, there is a teachers discount.
Click here
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8. Which books have both the original Latin or Greek and the English translation?
Appian of Alexandria- Roman History V. 1-4- Greek/English
Aulus Gellius - Attic Nights-V. 1-3 Latin/English
Dio Cassius - Roman History -V. 1-9 Greek/English
Diogenes Laertius - Lives of the Philosophers -V. 1-2 Greek/English
Frontinus (Sextus Julius Frontinus) - On Water - Latin/English
Julian the Apostate (The Emperor Julian) - V. 1-3 Greek/English
Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus) - Education
of an Orator - V. 1-2
Quintus Curtius (Quintus Curtius Rufus) - History of Alexander -
V.1-2 Latin/English
Seneca - Epistles -Moral letters 1-92 Latin/English
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9. How do I cite from these books?
The Loeb Classics (and all the other PDFs) are cut according to the
table of contents of the books. The author pages are organized to
reflect this
(for example:
table of contents is usually clearly labeled or the first file on the
(ie. Lives of the Philosophers V2: Book 6 - Antisthenes
.........brn0246o.pdf .......Disk 2)
Just open it and you will see the
table of contents. Since they are photographic copies of the originals
in their entirety the original pagination has been retained. When you
cite you should use the PDF as if it were a page in the original book.
For Example: The "Life of Antithenes" starts on page 3 of book 6 which
is in Vol. 2 of "The lives of the Philosophers" by Diogenes Laertius
trans. by R.D. Hicks (1925).
The html files are more problematic since they
are compiled from different editions. You can include a
link to the book or since these html files are quite small by todays
standards include the entire book in an attachment.
The modern age has made citation somewhat more
difficult. For purely electronic versions of books you should consult
your Professor or a modern authority on citing information from the
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10. Do you offer Large Order Discounts or Any Discounts?
Click here <<Back to top
I notice that some of the books are on your web page in their entirety. Why should I buy the CD Set.?
The Full Texts of the Following Authors are found only on the CDs:
Aulus Gellius
Cato the Elder
Dio Cassius
Dionysius of Halicarnasus
Julian the Apostate
Quintus Curtius
The Full Texts of the Following books are only found on the CD Set:
Guides to the Egyptian and Babylonian Rooms of The British Museum (Circa
A Source-Book of Ancient History (1922)
A History of the Ancient World (1913)
A History of Greece (1900)
A History of Rome (1921)
Ancient Records of Egypt (1906)
Records of the Past: Series 1 and 2 (1875-1899) (in 12 Volumes)
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How To Copy The Content of All Three CDs Onto Your Harddrive So That You Can Browse All The Texts With Out Having to Change CDs:
1. Copy the directory /brainfly/ on CD1 and all the sub-directories under it to your harddrive.
(If you dont't have the /brainfly/ directory on CD 1 download it
Click HERE. Then extract it in a directory you can call "PLSFAH".
2. Copy all the files ("books") in the html/books/ directory from each CD to the brainfly/html/books/ directory you have just created on your harddrive.
3. Now you can browse the content of all 3 CDs from your harddrive by double clicking the file brainfly/start.htm